Mothers California Gold Clay Bar System
Mothers California Gold Clay Bar System Detailing your vehicle with clay is a lot of work. It involves first washing the car, running the clay over every square inch of painted surfaces, and then applying at least one coat of wax. It’s pretty much an all-day process when you factor in the drying time for […]
Spot Shot Stain Remover
Spot Shot Stain Remover Spot Shot is an important component in my basic automotive detailing kit. My favorite thing about it is that it doesn’t create a messy foam that sprays everywhere you don’t want it to, unlike cheap multipurpose “cleaner/stain remover” aerosols. Laundry stain removers are meant to soak into the fabric and then […]
Nieto Number 7 Polishing Compound
Nieto Number 7 Polishing Compound A good lazy summer’s day to me is some good music on my Bluetooth speaker, a cold beverage, and my favorite detailing products all lined up and ready to make one of our cars look like new again. I like giving our vehicles a quick hand wash and dry, but […]