Graduation Gift Movie Talk

I created this Movie Talk to use with Martina Bex´s SOMOS I Unit 2, however you could use it at any point with novice classes given the frequency of these structures. The scenes are from the Chevrolet commercial. This Movie Talk targets the three structures from SOMOS 1 Unit 2, while also recycling “dice” from […]

Prom Bell Ringer

It’s Prom season! I’ve updated my Homecoming Bell Ringer to talk with my upper-level students about this weekend’s activities.

Spanish Machu Picchu Game

Do you have a deskless classroom and kids who like to/need to move? Do you want your students to be able to understand and answer questions in Spanish with more automaticity? Here’s a fun, no-prep game they will beg you to play. Think of it as a communicative form of musical chairs. Why I Love […]

Higher Than/Lower Than Brain Break

Here’s an extended brain break that you can use starting from the first week of a level-one class. It’s perfect for getting reps on the first-person form of the verb “I believe that…” or “I think that…”, making comparisons (higher than/lower than), and reviewing numbers 1-10. There are plenty of times where you can naturally […]

Spanish Future Tense Predictions Activity

This is a fun, no-prep activity your students can do to make predictions about their classmates for the future and to sneak in reps on Spanish future tense verbs. I encourage them to think of someone in our block, but I allow them to put down someone who is not in our class if a […]