I created these free detailed episode guides for each of the six episodes for the first season of El Internado: La Laguna Negra. Read my post about how to continue using El Internado or to start using it now that it is no longer available on Netflix. You can have students read these independently or “volleyball” style in pairs. These would also be an option if you have students whose parents would prefer that they didn’t watch the actual show.
I’m a big fan of doing a Movie Talk-style discussion of screen captures prior to viewing critical scenes or scenes that have a lot of hard-to-understand dialogue. I would recommend that you have the students read these guides and complete the questions after they have watched each segment. While you could have them read each scene prior to watching it, they would be guessing on some of the comprehension questions.
I have included time stamps for your convenience. These timestamps are from when the show was on Netflix, but they should be similar to those on the DVDs.
I simplified the vocabulary whenever possible to make these readings accessible to intermediate-low and above students. While the narration is in present tense, I used the past tense when necessary. I didn’t do this to shelter grammar, but rather because I wanted these guides to read like a movie script. You’ll notice that there is plenty of conditional, subjunctive, and even past subjunctive. Don’t worry if you haven’t covered these explicitly. Your students will understand them because they’re used in context.
While El Internado hasn’t been available on Netflix since August 1, you can order your complete DVD series set from Amazon’s Spanish site here. You do have to pay a nominal shipping charge even if you have Prime since it’s coming from Amazon.es, however the set is still approximately half the cost of the one available from Amazon’s U.S. site.